In-House Equipment

8mm Kodak Moviedeck – General Description

Kodak Moviedeck pic
The Kodak Moviedeck 425 can handle both Regular 8mm and Super 8mm film.  Our model is the base model and does not have the built-in, small screen that was an option.


EIKI SL-OL 16mm Projector – Description


The EIKI SL-OL 16mm projector was one of their “lightweight” line of projectors.  It is arguably the safest design for projecting film: it shuts itself off before any sprocket damage occurs, and this feature works very well.

Ours is set to project at 24 fps (frames per second), which is the normal playback speed for sound films.  Many home movies shot in 16mm were filmed at 18 fps, and will project a little fast.
This is a three-bladed shutter, not the five-blade telecine.
We can accomodate up to 2000′ films.

Opaque Projector

BUHL Mark IV (old style)
Buhl Mark IV
Buhl Mark IV